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Eykho (Yiddish choral)
Yiddish Summer Weimar choir 2024, conducted by Sarah Myerson, accompanied by Esther Wratschko.
Arrangement by Sarah Myerson,
Melody from the traditional piyyut Eli Tsiyon,
Lyrics adapted from Yehoash's Yiddish translation of Ekho (Lamentations) Chapter 5:15, 5, 9, 10, 20, 21.
אױ ֿפגעהערט ה ָאט די ֿפרײד ֿפון אונדזער ה ַארצן, ֿפ ַארקערט איז אין טרויער
אונדזער ט ַאנץ.
Gone is the joy of our hearts;
אױף אונדזער נ ַאקן װערן מיר געי ָאגט, מיר זײַנען מיד, און אונ .mourning into turned is dancing Our
דז װערט ניט ב ַארוט.
We are hotly pursued;
Exhausted, we are given no rest.
מיט [אײַנשטעלן] אונדזער לעבן קריגן מיר אונדזער ברױט, ֿפון װעגן דער שװערד ֿפון
We get our bread at the peril of our lives, Because of the sword of the wilderness.
אונדזער הױט גליט װי ַאן אױװן, ֿפון װעגן די ברענונגען ֿפון הונגער.
טענדיק, ֿפ ַארל ָאזט אונדז אױף ל ַאנגע טעג? ֿפ ַאר װ ָאס ֿפ ַארגעסטו אונדז אױף ש .famine of fever the With ,oven an like glows skin Our
Why have You forgotten us utterly, Forsaken us for all time?
קער אונדז אום צו דיר, ג ָאט, און
ל ָאמיר זיך אומקערן; ב ַאנײַ אונדז
ערע טעג װי ַאמ ָאל;
Take us back, God, to Yourself, And let us come back;
Renew our days as of old!
Переглядів: 38


Doyne (Bardichever)
Переглядів 6212 годин тому
Yiddish Summer Weimar choir 2024, conducted and arranged by Sarah Myerson. Song by Zelik Bardichever, as performed by Arkady Gendler. Shpil zhe, klezmer, mir a volekh. Gelt mezimen ot o tsol ikh, Un di poyker poyk bim-bom. Haynt iz khoge, haynt iz khram. Of of of of of lyu, of[e] lyu, of of of of[e] lyu, of[e] lyu. Es hot der vint gepatsht, geshmisn, ...
Bay mayn mames shtibele
Переглядів 4512 годин тому
Yiddish folk song learned from the repertoire of Beyle Schaechter-Gottesman. This arrangement by the Yiddish Summer Weimar 2024 choir workshop, conducted by Sarah Myerson. Bay mayn mames shtibele Bin ikh mir geshtanen Biz es zenen yingelekh tsvey Derekh gegangen Mit zeyere shvartse eygelekh Hobn zey mikh gefangen Zey hobn dokh mir dem kop fardreyt Arg...
8 Uv'khen and Simha
Переглядів 11Місяць тому
Uv'khen, a melody by an unknown composer, for the start of each paragraph on page 149 of Mahzor Lev Shalem, and Simha, a melody in the middle of the second paragraph. וּבְכֵן שִׂמְחָה לְאַרְצֶֽךָ וְשָׂשׂוֹן לְעִירֶֽךָ Recorded by Cantor Sarah Myerson, voice and ukulele.
7 Vekhol Ma'aminim
Переглядів 35Місяць тому
Vekhol Ma'aminim, to the tune of Anim Zemirot (composer unknown), page 146 in Mahzor Lev Shalem הָאוֹחֵ בְּיַד מִדַּת מִשְׁפָּט: וְכֹל מַאֲמִינִים שֶׁהוּא אֵל אֱמוּנָה: הַבּוֹחֵן וּבוֹדֵק גִּנְזֵי נִסְתָּרוֹת: וְכֹל מַאֲמִינִים שֶׁהוּא בּוֹחֵן כְּלָיוֹת: הַגּוֹאֵל מִמָּֽוֶת וּפוֹדֶה מִשַּֽׁחַת: וְכֹל מַאֲמִינִים שֶׁהוּא גּוֹאֵל חָזָק: הַדָּן יְחִידִי לְבָאֵי עוֹלָם: וְכֹל מַאֲמִינִים שֶׁהוּא דַ...
6 Kedushah
Переглядів 38Місяць тому
Kedushah nusah and melodies (including Shema by Solomon Sulzer) Page 145 קָדוֹשׁ קָדוֹשׁ קָדוֹשׁ י-הוה צְבָאוֹת מְלֹא כָל הָאָֽרֶץ כְּבוֹדוֹ: After “kevodo”: Ahhh בָּרוּךְ כְּבוֹד י-הוה מִמְּקוֹמוֹ: After “mimkomo”: Ahhh שְׁמַע יִשְׂרָאֵל י-הוה אֱלֹהֵֽינוּ י-הוה אֶחָד: After “hu eloheinu”: Ahhh אֲנִי י-הוה אֱלֹהֵיכֶם אַדִּיר אַדִּירֵֽנוּ י-הוה אֲדוֹנֵֽינוּ מָה אַדִּיר שִׁמְךָ בְּכָל הָאָֽרֶץ: ו...
Kabbalat Shabbat March 20, 2020
Переглядів 19Місяць тому
Join Rabbi Sam Weintraub, Cantor Sarah Myerson and musician Ilya Shneyveys for Kane Street Kabbalat Shabbat services, premiering 3/20/2020 at 6pm! All sung text is subtitled in transliteration in the video, so you don't need a siddur to sing along. For Hebrew and English text, check out Sefaria's online traditional nusah Ashkenaz siddur:,_Shabbat,_Kabbalat_Shabba...
5 Ve'ata
Переглядів 18Місяць тому
Ve'ata, (nusah Ashkenaz), page 144 Mahzor Lev Shalem וְאַתָּה הוּא מֶֽלֶךְ אֵל חַי וְקַיָּם Recorded by Cantor Sarah Myerson, voice and ukulele
4 Berosh HaShanah and Uteshuvah
Переглядів 172 місяці тому
Berosh HaShanah (composer unknown) and Uteshuvah (composed by Louis Lewandowski), pages 143 & 144 in Mahzor Lev Shalem. בְּרֹאשׁ הַשָּׁנָה יִכָּתֵבוּן וּבְיוֹם צוֹם כִּפּוּר יֵחָתֵמוּן. וּתְשׁוּבָה וּתְפִלָּה וּצְדָקָה מַעֲבִירִין אֶת רֽוֹעַ הַגְּזֵרָה: Recorded by Cantor Sarah Myerson, voice and ukulele
3 Unetane Tokef
Переглядів 332 місяці тому
Unetane Tokef, composed by Louis Lewandowski, page 143 in Mahzor Lev Shalem וּנְתַנֶּה תֹּקֶף קְדֻשַּׁת הַיּוֹם. כִּי הוּא נוֹרָא וְאָיוֹם. וּבוֹ תִנָּשֵׂא מַלְכוּתֶֽךָ. וְיִכּוֹן בְּחֶֽסֶד כִּסְאֶֽךָ. וְתֵשֵׁב עָלָיו בֶּאֱמֶת. Recorded by Cantor Sarah Myerson, voice and ukulele
2 Mekhalkel Hayyim & Mi Khamokha
Переглядів 252 місяці тому
Mekhalkel Hayyim (composed by Solmon Braslavsky) & Mi Khamokha (composed by Rabbi Israel Goldfarb), page 142 in Mahzor Lev Shalem מְכַלְכֵּל חַיִּים בְּחֶֽסֶד מְחַיֵּה מֵתִים בְּרַחֲמִים רַבִּים סוֹמֵךְ נוֹפְלִים וְרוֹפֵא חוֹלִים וּמַתִּיר אֲסוּרִים וּמְקַיֵּם אֱמוּנָתוֹ לִישֵׁנֵי עָפָר, מִי כָמֽוֹךָ בַּֽעַל גְּבוּרוֹת וּמִי דּֽוֹמֶה לָּךְ מֶֽלֶךְ מֵמִית וּמְחַיֶּה וּמַצְמִֽיחַ יְשׁוּעָה: מִי כ...
We are the daughters
Переглядів 182 місяці тому
During Sukkot 5780/2019, Cantor Sarah Myerson and the Kane Street Shvesterhood collaboratively wrote this song about famous Jewish women throughout history. We are the daughters of Miriam the Prophet She played the timbrel and she led the women Singing by the Sea We are the daughters of Deborah the Judge She gave good counsel in war and in peace Chanting a hymn of victory We are the daughters o...
Vayar Elohim (God saw)
Переглядів 72 місяці тому
Vayar Elohim (God saw) Text: Genesis 1:31 Composer: Gordon Lustig Recorded: Cantor Sarah Myerson, voice and banjolele Video footage: Cantor Sarah Myerson and Ilya Shneyveys This video originally released September 30, 2021. In our Creation story, at the end of the sixth day, God sees everything that God has created, and behold! It was very good. Gordon Lustig set these words from Genesis 1:31 t...
Shofar: Teki'ah, Shevarim, Teru'ah & Teki'ah Gedolah!
Переглядів 4255 місяців тому
Demonstration of the basic types of Shofar blasts: Teki'ah, Shevarim, Teru'ah, and a ridiculously long Teki'ah Gedolah! See if you can count the seconds! For an instructional video in how to chant shofar, check out this one:
Judith of Bethulia (by Cantor Sarah Myerson)
Переглядів 1018 місяців тому
Music and Lyrics by Cantor Sarah Myerson, 2017 Based on the apocryphal Book of Judith Holofernes and his mighty army laid siege to Bethulia. After a month, there was no more water. The Jews cried to their leader, Uzziah, He gave them his promise: five more days with God, they’d plead. Then they could surrender, if God didn’t intercede. Judith, a wise and pious widow, rebuked the elders for thei...
Avot Shabbat Musaf (Nahwand)
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Avot Shabbat Musaf (Nahwand)
Hatsi Kaddish (before Shabbat Musaf)
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Hatsi Kaddish (before Shabbat Musaf)
Mizmor LeDavid Psalm 29 (Sefardi)
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Mizmor LeDavid Psalm 29 (Sefardi)
Yehalelu & Hodo (Nusah Yerushalmi)
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Yehalelu & Hodo (Nusah Yerushalmi)
Ashrei (Nusah Yerushalmi)
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Ashrei (Nusah Yerushalmi)
Haftarah Vayetse (Moroccan nusah)
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Haftarah Vayetse (Moroccan nusah)
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Haftarah blessings (Moroccan nusah)
Torah blessings - Nusah Yerushalmi
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Torah blessings - Nusah Yerushalmi
Regn boygn (Rainbow)
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Regn boygn (Rainbow)
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Birkat Hamazon 4
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Eliyohu Hanovi
Seraḥ's Song
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Seraḥ's Song
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Tsadik Katamar


  • @armellebodiguel7041
    @armellebodiguel7041 18 днів тому

    • @armellebodiguel7041
      @armellebodiguel7041 18 днів тому

      Thank you Sarah and Esther! You are amazing teachers and role models!

  • @armellebodiguel7041
    @armellebodiguel7041 18 днів тому

  • @sarahschmerler9175
    @sarahschmerler9175 2 місяці тому


  • @hunbunconcrema
    @hunbunconcrema 2 місяці тому

    just landed here, this song and your voice made me happy. a sheynem dank!🥰

  • @mahokhan9122
    @mahokhan9122 4 місяці тому


  • @mahokhan9122
    @mahokhan9122 4 місяці тому

    Keep On.

  • @mahokhan9122
    @mahokhan9122 4 місяці тому

    ISRAEL'S HI,... Girl's 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓 Yeshua'Sa Love You Jesus Son 👽 Sa 💞💜💚 Jupiter'jesus allah Son 👽 Very Nice 🌹🌹 THE, SON 👽

  • @anselpierson5193
    @anselpierson5193 4 місяці тому

    “Male identifying”? What is that supposed to mean? Have you not read Genesis 1:27

    • @sarahmyerson
      @sarahmyerson 4 місяці тому

      I have read Genesis 1:27, where it says of the person that God created, "God created HIM, male and female God created THEM," the contradiction of which led to exegesis that perhaps the first person was intersex, or perhaps the first person was split to create male and female. I've also read Genesis 1:26, which says "Let us make person in our image, after our likeness. THEY shall rule the fish of the sea" the plain meaning of which seems to be that the first person used "they" pronouns. I've also read the second creation story Genesis 2:18-24 where the first human uses "he" pronouns, yet a woman is shaped from him. I've also read Genesis 24:16 and 24:28, where Rebecca is referred to as a young man but using female-gendered adjectives and verbs. People who only ever read the Bible in English translation miss the nuance of the original Hebrew when it comes to gender and sex. I encourage you, if you're genuinely interested in learning more, to study the original Hebrew text with a good teacher. And, by the way, some non-binary or otherwise gendered Jewish people say, for this blessing, שֶׁעָשַׂנִי מִבֵּית חוֹרִין or שֶׁעָשַׂנִי בֶּת חוֹרִין but I didn't know those variants when I made this video. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share that update!

    • @anselpierson5193
      @anselpierson5193 4 місяці тому

      @@sarahmyerson There is no contradiction in Genesis 1:27 that is clearly referring to two genders. You are not doing exegesis you're performing eisegesis and superimposing your own ideology to these verses. Even if there is nuance in the Hebrew about how pronouns are used this verse still states that God made male and female. And the word "them" is used because it is referring to both males and females. Show me any sources which exegete this as meaning intersex. Adam was a man, not some genderless biped. Intersex is a medical condition and can't be used as a gotcha to try and prove there are more than two genders. There are different types of intersex and a lot of nuance in how people are affected, and the presence of biological deformities in human chromosomes and bodies doesn't support your gender ideology.

    • @sarahmyerson
      @sarahmyerson 4 місяці тому

      @@anselpierson5193 I'm thrilled that you're so interested in this topic! I'll repeat what I wrote above about Genesis 1:27. Here is the Hebrew: וַיִּבְרָ֨א אֱלֹהִ֤ים ׀ אֶת־הָֽאָדָם֙ בְּצַלְמ֔וֹ בְּצֶ֥לֶם אֱלֹהִ֖ים בָּרָ֣א אֹת֑וֹ זָכָ֥ר וּנְקֵבָ֖ה בָּרָ֥א אֹתָֽם׃ The word there for person is "adam," and the first accusative pronoun is male singular, i.e. God created "him," which is immediately followed by the clause saying "male and female [God] created them." One contradiction, in other words, is that within the one verse, adam is referred to both as "him" and "them." The other curiosity is that both male and female (zakhar and nekevah) as a plural seem to be contained within a singular person using a male accusative pronoun.The exegesis about adam being intersex, or "androgynous" in the Hebrew-from-Greek I referred to, goes back at least 1500 years, to some of the foundational texts of rabbinic Judaism, including Bereshit Rabbah 8:1 and Vayikra Rabbah 14:1. Rabbinic Judaism even 1500 years ago understood that there are six sexes (adam-andogynous, ish-zakhar, ishah-nekevah, tumtum, aylonit, saris; with some subcategories), and that in some cases gender identity is different to physical sex. There's a 14th century poem by Kalonymos ben Kalonymos that's a great example of this.

    • @anselpierson5193
      @anselpierson5193 4 місяці тому

      @@sarahmyerson If Adam wasn't a man then how did him and Eve have children?

  • @RobertoFasciano
    @RobertoFasciano 5 місяців тому

    Beautiful instrument and performance.

  • @amyzakarbanner6159
    @amyzakarbanner6159 5 місяців тому

    Band personnel: Lauren Brody, accordion; Marty Confurius, bass; Aaron Alexander, drums; Amy Zakar, Zoë Aqua, Eleanore Biezunski, violins

  • @irisdayhanna
    @irisdayhanna 5 місяців тому

    Shalom Israël ! Praying for the Peace of Jerusalem in Wonderful Name of YESHUA ha Mashiach ! 🙏🕊️🌟👋🔥✝️🌞🙏

  • @deborahrogowski6447
    @deborahrogowski6447 5 місяців тому

    Shalom ❤ May the Lord Bless you exceedingly. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem Israel 🇮🇱 is forever

  • @johnhenrywheeler6656
    @johnhenrywheeler6656 9 місяців тому

    Compare this decipherment of the te`amim in the 3rd Letteris Edition for this Psalm (the revia is not always rendered correctly according to Suzanne Haik-Vantoura's own key):

    • @sarahmyerson
      @sarahmyerson 5 місяців тому

      Hi, I am not chanting te'amim in this video. I am chanting a Sefardi melody. If you would like to hear te'amim, check out my cantillation playlist:

  • @ZiSlepovitch
    @ZiSlepovitch 10 місяців тому

    Prekhtik! Sh'keyakh!

  • @OtisFan1
    @OtisFan1 Рік тому

    Dear Cantor Sarah, you did a lovely rendition. I'm sending this link to my Yiddish Club. You deserve more views and likes! I notice you left out the middle stanza, the words of which are a bit scary for a traditional lullaby. zay gezunt un a zisn peysekh.

    • @sarahmyerson
      @sarahmyerson 5 місяців тому

      A sheynem dank! The source for the version I sang in this performance only sang two stanzas ( though of course there are versions with as many as five stanzas (eg Ginsburg-Marek song #65). A zisn peysekh!

  • @zeliobatistacabralcabralca8684

    O chamado, Que todos os guerreiros estejam prontos,,,

  • @IgorMasaz
    @IgorMasaz Рік тому


  • @jjsshofar2022
    @jjsshofar2022 Рік тому

    * NAFAS TUHAN * Nafas TUHAN berbicara suatu KEHIDUPAN dan Nafas TUHAN juga berbicara SHOFAR yg kita tiupkan. Dan apa kaitan SHOFAR dgn NAFAS TUHAN? KEJADIAN 2:7(tb) ketika itulah TUHAN Allah membentuk manusia itu dari debu tanah dan MENGHEMBUSKAN NAFAS HIDUP ke dalam HIDUNGnya; demikianlah manusia itu menjadi MAKHLUK YANG HIDUP. Kejadian 2:7 (IMB) Dan YAHWEH Elohim, membentuk manusia dari debu tanah, lalu Dia mengembuskan napas kehidupan ke dalam lubang hidungnya, dan manusia itu menjadi makhluk hidup. Nafas hidup yg di hembuskan oleh Tuhan kepada manusia, turun temurun sampai kepada kita tetap NAFAS yg sama seperti yg manusia pertama terima dari Tuhan yaitu Adam. Setiap kali kita meniupkan shofar sesungguhnya kita juga sedang menghembuskan Nafas hidup yg daripada Tuhan + BETAPA DASHYATNYA NAFAS TUHAN + Oleh firman TUHAN langit telah. dijadikan, oleh NAFAS dari mulut-Nya segala TENTARANYA. MAZMUR 33:6. pada waktu itulah si pendurhaka baru akan menyatakan dirinya, tetapi TUHAN YESUS akan membunuhnya dengan NAFAS mulut-Nya dan akan memusnahkannya, kalau Ia datang kembali. 2 TESALONIKA 2:8 Di PERJANJIAN LAMA Tuhan mengembuskan Nafas HIDUP ke manusia, yaitu Adam. Supaya manusia itu menjadi makhluk yang hidup. Tertulis di Kitab Kej 2:7. Kejadian 2:7 (IMB) Dan YAHWEH Elohim, membentuk manusia dari debu tanah, lalu Dia mengembuskan napas kehidupan ke dalam lubang hidungnya, dan manusia itu menjadi makhluk hidup. ketika itulah TUHAN Allah membentuk manusia itu dari debu tanah dan menghembuskan nafas hidup ke dalam hidungnya; demikianlah manusia itu menjadi makhluk yang hidup. KEJADIAN 2:7(tb). Akan tetapi di PERJANJIAN BARU Tuhan Yesus mengembuskan Nafas ke manusia itu supaya setiap manusia menerima ROH KUDUS. Yohanes 20:22 (IMB) Dan setelah mengatakan hal itu, Dia meniupkan NAPAS kepada mereka dan berkata, "Terimalah Roh Kudus! YOHANES 20:22(tb). Dan sesudah berkata demikian, Ia mengembusi mereka dan berkata: "Terimalah Roh Kudus. Ada 2 ayat firman TUHAN yg menulis tentang TUHAN meniup SANGKAKALA/SHOFAR: A. 1 TESALONIKA 4:16(tb). Sebab pada waktu TANDA diberi, yaitu pada waktu penghulu malaikat berseru dan SANGKAKALA ALLAH Berbunyi, maka TUHAN sendiri akan turun dari SORGA dan mereka yang mati dalam Kristus akan lebih dahulu bangkit; B. ZAKHARIA 9:14.(tb). TUHAN akan menampakkan diri kepada mereka, dan anak panah-Nya akan melayang keluar seperti kilat. Dan Tuhan ALLAH akan MENIUP SANGKAKALA dan akan berjalan maju dalam angin badai dari selatan. MAKNA arti setiap TIUPAN SHOFAR: Bunyi SANGKAKALA bicara ttg 'TANDA'. Ada 4 SUARA/ jenis buka sangkakala: 1.THEKIAH 2.SHEVARIM 3.THEKRUAH 4.THEKIAH GDOLAH atau TEK GDOLAH 1.THEKIAH suara yg mendeklarasikan Keinginan Tuhan utk menegakkan kebenaranNya di suatu batas wilayah atau area tertentu. 2. SHEVARIM. utk mendeklarasikan keinginan Tuhan utk menerobos batas2 & menghancurkan setiap perlawanan yg tdk sesuai dgn kehendak Tuhan. 3.THERUAH -sebuah alarm atau suara yg mengejutkan,digunakan utk Mengumumkan secara tajam kedatangan BAPA YHWH di tempat itu. 4.THEK GDOLAH -mendeklarasikan kepenuhan & keseluruhan perpanjangan dari kemuliaan Tuhan & kekuasaannya. Suatu kemenangan terjadi. Gbu

  • @jjsshofar2022
    @jjsshofar2022 2 роки тому

    * NAFAS TUHAN * Nafas TUHAN berbicara suatu KEHIDUPAN dan Nafas TUHAN juga berbicara SHOFAR yg kita tiupkan. Dan apa kaitan SHOFAR dgn NAFAS TUHAN? KEJADIAN 2:7(tb) ketika itulah TUHAN Allah membentuk manusia itu dari debu tanah dan MENGHEMBUSKAN NAFAS HIDUP ke dalam HIDUNGnya; demikianlah manusia itu menjadi MAKHLUK YANG HIDUP. Kejadian 2:7 (IMB) Dan YAHWEH Elohim, membentuk manusia dari debu tanah, lalu Dia mengembuskan napas kehidupan ke dalam lubang hidungnya, dan manusia itu menjadi makhluk hidup. Nafas hidup yg di hembuskan oleh Tuhan kepada manusia, turun temurun sampai kepada kita tetap NAFAS yg sama seperti yg manusia pertama terima dari Tuhan yaitu Adam. Setiap kali kita meniupkan shofar sesungguhnya kita juga sedang menghembuskan Nafas hidup yg daripada Tuhan + BETAPA DASHYATNYA NAFAS TUHAN + Oleh firman TUHAN langit telah. dijadikan, oleh NAFAS dari mulut-Nya segala TENTARANYA. MAZMUR 33:6. pada waktu itulah si pendurhaka baru akan menyatakan dirinya, tetapi TUHAN YESUS akan membunuhnya dengan NAFAS mulut-Nya dan akan memusnahkannya, kalau Ia datang kembali. 2 TESALONIKA 2:8 Di PERJANJIAN LAMA Tuhan mengembuskan Nafas HIDUP ke manusia, yaitu Adam. Supaya manusia itu menjadi makhluk yang hidup. Tertulis di Kitab Kej 2:7. Kejadian 2:7 (IMB) Dan YAHWEH Elohim, membentuk manusia dari debu tanah, lalu Dia mengembuskan napas kehidupan ke dalam lubang hidungnya, dan manusia itu menjadi makhluk hidup. ketika itulah TUHAN Allah membentuk manusia itu dari debu tanah dan menghembuskan nafas hidup ke dalam hidungnya; demikianlah manusia itu menjadi makhluk yang hidup. KEJADIAN 2:7(tb). Akan tetapi di PERJANJIAN BARU Tuhan Yesus mengembuskan Nafas ke manusia itu supaya setiap manusia menerima ROH KUDUS. Yohanes 20:22 (IMB) Dan setelah mengatakan hal itu, Dia meniupkan NAPAS kepada mereka dan berkata, "Terimalah Roh Kudus! YOHANES 20:22(tb). Dan sesudah berkata demikian, Ia mengembusi mereka dan berkata: "Terimalah Roh Kudus. Ada 2 ayat firman TUHAN yg menulis tentang TUHAN meniup SANGKAKALA/SHOFAR: A. 1 TESALONIKA 4:16(tb). Sebab pada waktu TANDA diberi, yaitu pada waktu penghulu malaikat berseru dan SANGKAKALA ALLAH Berbunyi, maka TUHAN sendiri akan turun dari SORGA dan mereka yang mati dalam Kristus akan lebih dahulu bangkit; B. ZAKHARIA 9:14.(tb). TUHAN akan menampakkan diri kepada mereka, dan anak panah-Nya akan melayang keluar seperti kilat. Dan Tuhan ALLAH akan MENIUP SANGKAKALA dan akan berjalan maju dalam angin badai dari selatan. MAKNA arti setiap TIUPAN SHOFAR: Bunyi SANGKAKALA bicara ttg 'TANDA'. Ada 4 SUARA/ jenis buka sangkakala: 1.THEKIAH 2.SHEVARIM 3.THEKRUAH 4.THEKIAH GDOLAH atau TEK GDOLAH 1.THEKIAH suara yg mendeklarasikan Keinginan Tuhan utk menegakkan kebenaranNya di suatu batas wilayah atau area tertentu. 2. SHEVARIM. utk mendeklarasikan keinginan Tuhan utk menerobos batas2 & menghancurkan setiap perlawanan yg tdk sesuai dgn kehendak Tuhan. 3.THERUAH -sebuah alarm atau suara yg mengejutkan,digunakan utk Mengumumkan secara tajam kedatangan BAPA YHWH di tempat itu. 4.THEK GDOLAH -mendeklarasikan kepenuhan & keseluruhan perpanjangan dari kemuliaan Tuhan & kekuasaannya. Suatu kemenangan terjadi.

  • @lucascelestescelestes9938
    @lucascelestescelestes9938 2 роки тому

    Si le isiera la boquita un poquito más grande sonaría mejor

  • @germancastillo581
    @germancastillo581 2 роки тому

    La posición del Shofar …. Tiene que estar apuntando hacia arriba hacia El Shamain ( cielo) con fuerza y júbilo ooooooh

  • @anomawalakulu3256
    @anomawalakulu3256 2 роки тому

    Amen amen

  • @amitaiscott3991
    @amitaiscott3991 2 роки тому

    Eso es una Abominacion I rebelion contra Elohim el Shofar no le Toca a la mujer ni a los cristianos transgresores de la Torah, incircunsisos de carne i corazón. Arrepientete

    • @sarahmyerson
      @sarahmyerson 2 роки тому

      For those reading this comment who are genuinely interested in rabbinic opinions vis a vis women and shofar, please check out you can ignore Amitai's comment above because as a Jew for Jesus, he's not expressing views that are normative for rabbinic Judaism.

  • @pennavieira9080
    @pennavieira9080 2 роки тому


  • @Vishalbhatty
    @Vishalbhatty 2 роки тому

    Nice efforts

  • @germancastillo581
    @germancastillo581 2 роки тому

    Señores las mujeres no pueden tocar El Shofar …. Toquen mejor la pandereta …. El shofar solo lo tocan los levitas y los varones HalleluYah Hashem

    • @sarahmyerson
      @sarahmyerson 2 роки тому

      luckily I'm a female Levite! (folks, this isn't true at all. The mitzvah is to hear the shofar, not to sound it, so it doesn't matter at all who is sounding the shofar).

  • @theuniversechannel23
    @theuniversechannel23 2 роки тому

    beautifully chanted with well learned trope - such a pleasure, plus the play-acting style - this has truly made my Purim this year. Thanks.

  • @arelysaguila3784
    @arelysaguila3784 2 роки тому

    Continue practicing 🙏

  • @peymanyousefi949
    @peymanyousefi949 2 роки тому

    خودم بهتر شوفار میزنم. ولی بد نبود 😊

  • @elenacaddell3639
    @elenacaddell3639 2 роки тому

    AMEN!!!!! HALLEL !!!!

  • @RigliMusic
    @RigliMusic 2 роки тому

    Who wrote this music?

    • @sarahmyerson
      @sarahmyerson 2 роки тому

      I wrote this music (Sarah Myerson)

    • @RigliMusic
      @RigliMusic 2 роки тому

      @@sarahmyerson it's brilliant. Haunting and transcending. I want such a song in the musical I'm working on. But the lyrics are all in English. Can go well in some scene from Biblical times. For example, when I was writing lyrics to "Jerusalem" I had some musical concept in mind, but since I can't write music myself, I was lucky to find a talented musician who wrote the music, arranged, sang, and recorded the song for me (still it can be improved a lot, of course), but I lost touch with him and am looking for someone who is able to create such great original songs. I thought about someone in Babylon, in exile when I was writing the lyrics, and still not sure if I should add "be shana ha baa" in the end. Do you think you can write English lyrics to this beautiful music of yours?

  • @RigliMusic
    @RigliMusic 2 роки тому

    That should be easy to translate/adapt to English, right?

  • @RigliMusic
    @RigliMusic 2 роки тому


  • @RigliMusic
    @RigliMusic 2 роки тому

    👏 👏 👏

  • @RigliMusic
    @RigliMusic 2 роки тому


  • @bridylph
    @bridylph 2 роки тому

    so beautful!!!!!

  • @Xelee1
    @Xelee1 2 роки тому

    Not bad. :)

  • @sherrirederer4647
    @sherrirederer4647 3 роки тому

    Thank you

  • @PreachTheGospel07
    @PreachTheGospel07 3 роки тому

    Good job

  • @MichaelPhillips101
    @MichaelPhillips101 3 роки тому

    Thank you so much! This helped me with this year’s Purim!

    • @sarahmyerson
      @sarahmyerson 3 роки тому

      I'm so glad! Wishing you much joy in this festive Adar.

  • @sarahschmerler9175
    @sarahschmerler9175 3 роки тому

    Also glad to see you are left handed! Please do something for Left-Hander’s Day in April!

    • @sarahmyerson
      @sarahmyerson 3 роки тому

      Oh I think the video is mirrored, because I play all instruments the standard way (is it right handed to do that?). But I do everyday tasks left-handed, so maybe we can do something together in April :)

  • @sarahschmerler9175
    @sarahschmerler9175 3 роки тому

    Really needed this. Talented pig!

  • @esterashkenazi3117
    @esterashkenazi3117 3 роки тому

    I learnt Yiddish when I was living in Uruguay in the Sholem Aleichem school. I still remember this song even if it happened 60 years ago. Bring so many memories. And it is sang with the same melody I learnt.

    • @sarahmyerson
      @sarahmyerson 3 роки тому

      זייער שיין! האט א ליכטיקן חנוכה!

    • @esterashkenazi3117
      @esterashkenazi3117 3 роки тому

      @@sarahmyerson same to you! (I do not have the typewriter to answer you in Yiddish or Hebrew)

  • @tonyzecchinelli
    @tonyzecchinelli 4 роки тому

    I loved this sound like Emir Kusturica movies - wonderfull for artistic movie score - the 1 thumb up is mine - I love etnic sound - you are great . I have subscribed to your channel and I will keep the subscription forever If you also subscribe to my channel. I will watch this video of you all the way so I help you have more minutes of views, which are useful for monetization. We little youtubers have to help each other, to reach 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours of viewing per year, so we can become eligible for monetization. As you can verify, I have already subscribed to your channel, and I repeat if you also subscribe to mine, then I will NEVER cancel my subscription to your channel

  • @divarena4007
    @divarena4007 4 роки тому

    Rabbi Dan shevitz has a similar system but where the motions are at shulchan level so that the baal koreh can see them. That makes more sense to me as an adjunct to doing a torah reading. Your gestures are fine for teaching...only.

    • @sarahmyerson
      @sarahmyerson 4 роки тому

      Yes! My version is obviously not practical for use at the shulhan during a reading. My idea was more to involve kids' bodies in their learning process, so the tropes are above, below and next to the heart (where the words would be).

  • @afrizaanimawan7897
    @afrizaanimawan7897 4 роки тому


  • @aronsasportas1421
    @aronsasportas1421 4 роки тому

    װאָס זי רעדט איז נישט קײן ייִדיש

  • @aronsasportas1421
    @aronsasportas1421 4 роки тому

    װאָס זי רעדט איז נישט קײן יִידיש

  • @landon306
    @landon306 5 років тому

    You’re doing very well.

  • @ashadowawhisper
    @ashadowawhisper 5 років тому

    Ich werde dich immer daran denken